Case Study

Different Dog Case Study

Different Dog are a hand-cooked natural dog food company, producing fresh meals which are 60% locally sourced meat and 40% fruit and vegetables. Each recipe contains no preservatives or additives, and is tested by a nutritionist and vet to ensure it meets nutritional content needs for dogs.

Many dog owners are unaware of the impact that comes with preserved dog food. Different Dog want to create a world where every dog can eat healthily and happily while spreading the word of natural dog food at the same time.

Their story began in 2016 and – less than half a decade later – they’ve managed to go from a business of two human founders and one dog, to more than 15 staff and countless canines. Here, Sales and Finance Manager, Anna Gabrielczyk talks through their journey so far.

The Different Dog story

Charlie Thurstan was working for a business where he visited factories that produced dog food. It was during one of these visits that he discovered what actually went into their meals. As a dog owner himself, he couldn’t understand why so much action was being taken to ensure food manufacturers made healthier meals for humans – yet so little was being done for our four-legged friends.

Just like humans, animals need to eat healthily. Studies reveal that adding fruit and vegetables to dog’s food can increase their life expectancy by 20-25%. Not to mention reduce the need for vet visits.

Charlie believed that dogs deserved to eat better. So, he decided to co-found Different Dog along with Alex Thurstan and, their furry friend, Crumble. They weren’t alone in their beliefs either. The offering resonated – and over the last four years, more owners have come to Different Dog to change their dogs’ lives for the better.

Looking ahead, the company have a rebrand on the cards as well as a new website. They’re also taking steps to improve their carbon footprint. After all, one of their USPs is that they don’t just look after dogs, they really care about the environment too. Production doesn’t involve plastic, and materials are compostable and recyclable. In fact, many customers make the move from traditional dog food to Different Dog because of their sustainability values.

Whilst growth has been an upwards road, their technology has been far from straightforward. Their Windows computers crashed the systems meaning staff were unable to work when there was an update. Soon enough, a lack of productivity triggered significant stress amongst the team.

It was only when one employee began using a Mac that the team saw the improvement in efficiency. The only issue was that kitting out every team member with such devices would come at a huge cost. That was until they came across Lease Loop…

A guarantee of top support

“We were looking to lease rather than buy as this model suited our cash flow better. It would allow us to prioritise spending money on equipment directly related to production – like another freezer – rather than technology.

“We found Lease Loop who are, like ourselves, a business located in Shropshire. We believe it’s incredibly important to support locally, and we were attracted by the guarantees that came with their service. If there’s an issue, Lease Loop will come and collect the Mac and replace it. We don’t have to deal with the replacement ourselves, which gives us considerable peace of mind.

“He provided us with all the information we could have asked for, answering any queries without issue. Everything’s been great – our Macs are working perfectly and all team members can come into work and do their jobs as soon as they sit down. It’s been a seamless experience with Lease Loop so far, and we can only expect good things for the future.”

Visit the Different Dog website here